Nancy Drew Nickerson banged her head against the steering
wheel. No no no no no no no no NOOOOOO she screamed quietly in her head. Her seatbelt was tangled. This was the final straw. Nancy's van already sported a broken front
bumper and no air conditioning. She
whipped out her cell and texted her two oldest sons. WHO TANGLED THE DRIVERS
SEATBELT?????!?!??!?!?!!! Within seconds, in succinct succession came the
responses: Not Me. Not me. Nancy wept quietly. Or maybe that was sweat and not
tears running down her face; it was 104 degrees after all. She turned on the engine and began her long
drive to pick up the other three children from swimming, tennis, and loom-weaving
lessons. All the while listening to the ding ding ding of the charming alarm
reminding her of the dangerous risk in not wearing a seatbelt.
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