Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Nancy boiled. She was out to screw the insurance company.  She shook her head in disgust at herself.  How had she gotten to this point?  Nancy Drew would NEVER screw anyone, especially a nice insurance company.  Nancy wasn't even supposed to boil! It was completely contrary to her nature, but she had reached her limit.  Well, she had far exceeded her limit actually.

Ned and Nancy Drew Nickerson had paid out over $12,002 in out-of-pocket medical expenses in the first 6 months of this year.  She was sick and tired of medical bills and all things medically related.  Then Ned had to go and complain about his eyesight.  He had always had perfect vision.  Better than perfect.  But last October he found out he had a slight near and far sightedness vision problem that could be corrected with bifocals to bring him back up to the level of better-than-perfect eyesight.
Ned purchased his first pair of glasses-bifocals-but had a very hard time seeing out them.  Especially at night.  He thought his eyes had gotten even worse over the last several months.  So Nancy called the eye doctor to set up an appointment.  She was told that they had to wait one full year before Ned could come back in for his free yearly eye exam.  Nancy refused to pay one single more cent on any medically related item.  She was infuriated.  She put her foot down. How could an insurance company call the shots???  She begged and pleaded with the eye doctor.  Ned begged and pleaded to go get his eyes checked out.  He couldn't see for the love of God! Finally, the insurance company gave in; he could get rechecked at 10 months out.  Gee, how generous of them, thought Nancy sarcastically, chastising herself for thinking sarcastically.

Ned went to the eye doctor and came home.  His eyes HAD deteriorated. But the doctor told him for a middle aged man he still was considered to have 20/20 vision.  Ned went ahead and bought himself a new, non-bifocal pair of glasses. Nancy backed away from Ned, clucking quietly to herself.  She picked up the phone and called the eye doctor.  Normally she would not have any of her younger children's eyes checked, but she was so enraged over the waiting of the free yearly exam and the fact that Ned had 20/20 vision and bought new glasses, she wanted to make sure each and every single one of her children had their eligible free yearly eye exam. Thus, in Nancy's mind, "screwing" the insurance company. They would be charged for something they would not normally have been charged for had they played nice with Nancy.
And that is when it all backfired on her.

It turns out the Evil Baby, the only healthy child of the brood, had bad eyes.  It certainly explained a lot.  Like why she didn't watch t.v. or look at books, or know her shapes. Evil Baby needed glasses.  Big, expensive glasses.
Nancy resolved the only screwing she would do in her future was to her husband, using multiple forms of birth control, with his new glasses on, or off.  She really didn't care anymore.  She quietly went to her desk and increased her out-of-pocket medical expenses from January to August to $12,346.79.

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