Thursday, May 24, 2012

Nancy Drew Nickerson lowered her head and diverted her eyes.  The orthodontist’s crispy white shiny toothy grin came at her with rapid fire statistics while his intense gaze never left her mouth. It was of vital importance that she and Ned immediately seek orthodontic treatment for the health of their middle child’s teeth.  At any moment, an undescended adult tooth could become permanently embedded into the temporomandibular thus necessitating the need for risky surgeon removal.  Nancy nodded back, keeping her lips firmly pressed together.  His keen attempt to stare directly into her own mouth was making her very uncomfortable. All it took was “Your daughter must have your husband’s jaw structure. I can tell…” Nancy did not wait for him to finish the sentence.  She picked up her purse, scooted her middle child into the hallway, and thanked him as she vigorously began wiping her nose, to remove the man’s focus from her teeth. Ned is not going to like this, thought Nancy.  That man has undressed my teeth with his eyes.  She shuddered at the violation and nervously rubbed non-existent lipstick from her front teeth.  It was so hard to find good ortho care for kids these days.

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