Nancy glanced over at Evil Baby sitting on the toilet. Her round face was covered in green marker, complete with moustache. “Ima gonna peeeeee through my undies” she laughed, while peeing through her undies. At least she’s sitting on the toilet this time, Nancy thought. Nancy was about to put a close to a very long week of undercover adult work. She had confiscated the cell phone from her high school son. Unbeknownst to him, she had been retrieving his text messages all week. She discovered an upcoming teen party with “handles”. Nancy asked her coworker chum, Drunk Lisa, what “handles” meant. Drunk educated Nancy that handles meant bottles of alcohol. Nancy quickly went to work pretending she was her son and sent additional texts: “when” with the response “Fri at Adams” Nancy searched the contact listing and discovered two Adams so she texted “which Adam” and got the information she needed. Nancy contacted the high school principal and police department. The next day her son’s cell phone received the following text “nvm (translation by Drunk Lisa: ‘Never mind’) party cancelled, some fag turned us in.” Nancy had come a long way from teen sleuth! Twenty years later she was officially an undercover fag. Oh well, thought Nancy, I will take what excitement I can get. And off she went to clean the urine from the toilet seat.
I believe that coworker chum would prefer to be referred to as "Drunk TALL Lisa".
That's what I like about you most TALL, you are right on with your labeling!
Signed by the short, fat girl that lives next door.
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