Monday, May 14, 2012

Nancy Drew Nickerson took a deep breath.  She had prayed for this moment.  Cried, pleaded, begged, and bribed for this day. She did not think it would ever happen.  In fact, she and Ned were convinced Evil Baby had something wrong with her.  Decades ago, when Nancy doula-assisted-natural-child-birthed her oldest, she had an idealized view of parenthood and raising her lovely babies.  She had a long list of “nevers” for her precious offspring.  “My baby will never eat ranch dressing. My baby will never smother her food in ketchup.  My baby will never eat pesticide GMO grown food or eat fast food. My baby will never go to daycare. My baby will never cry.  My baby will never drink formula.  My baby will never play with plastic toys. My baby will never watch t.v.” Of course, that thinking was all so five children ago.  The oldest two boys were privy to that type of raising, but after an 8 year gap followed by three children in four years, Nancy had lowered her standards.  “Please! PLEASE BABY!  Please watch t.v.!!!!  Mommy needs to shower!!!!!!” But Evil Baby would never comply.  She refused to watch television. Until today.  There, on the edge of the family bed, the little bundle of naughtiness sat.  Captivated by the Curious George. Nancy Drew Nickerson felt strongly that the world was about to end.

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